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“Learn, laugh, grow... together”

CALL US: 01933 460111

We are recruiting for 2 x level 3+ early years' practitioners (40 hours and 16+ hours)
<< Apply here >>
How do we ensure your child is learning through play?
At Playmates we use the Early Years Foundation Stage framework as a basis and guide to our teaching and care.
Our curriculum follows 7 specific areas of learning, and we offer a variety of activities that promote learning through play.
When children start with us at the age of 2 years in the Cabin, initially, we use the 3 prime areas only:
> communication and language
​ > personal, social and emotional development
​ > physical development
When children graduate to the Bungalow (at approximately 3 years old) a further 4 areas are added to the curriculum;
> literacy
> mathematics
> understanding the world
> expressive art & design

CONTACT US: 01933 460111
Our curriculum is led by degree level qualified and experienced staff who are passionate about early childhood education.
A link to our curriculum is coming soon
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